Code of Ethics for Employees of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

The Code of Ethics of SUA employees in Nitra is a moral and ethical obligation of SUA employees in the area of standards of behaviour, education, in the field of creative and other related activities, and at the same time a moral principle for the action of external stakeholders at SUA workplaces.

Code of Ethics for Employees of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra [PDF]

Ethics Committee of SUA in Nitra

The Ethics Committee of SUA discusses and assesses violations of the Code of Ethics of SUA employees and the National Code of Ethics of Scientific Integrity, to which SUA subscribed with the Declaration on strengthening the culture of scientific integrity in Slovakia on 12th October 2021.

Ethics Committee members


Mgr. Beáta Bellérová, PhD. - Slovak Agricultural Library, SUA in Nitra


  • doc. Ing. Marián Bujna, PhD. - Institute of Design and Engineering Technologies, TF in Nitra
  • doc. Ing. Jana Maková, PhD. - Institute of Biotechnology, FBFS SUA in Nitra
  • doc. Ing. Zdenka Kádeková, PhD. - Institute of Marketing, Trade and Social Studies, FEM in Nitra
  • doc. Ing. Ivana Mezeyová, PhD. -  Institute of Horticulture, FHLE SUA in Nitra
  • doc. Ing. Juraj Candrák, CSc. - Institute of Nutrition and Genomics, FAaFR in Nitra
  • JUDr. Jana Ďurkovičová, PhD. - Institute of Law, FESRD SUA in Nitra

Code of Ethics for Students of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

The Code of Ethics of SUA students in Nitra is an expression of the moral principles and values of SUA students applied in the university environment. The Code of Ethics of SUA students specifically regulates the ethical principles applied in educational activities, in scientific research, artistic and creative activities, in the publication of the results of creative activities and in the performance of other activities.

Code of Ethics for Students of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra [PDF]

The Ethics Committee of SUA in Nitra for the protection of animals used for scientific and educational purposes

The SUA's Ethics Committee for Animal Protection assesses ethical issues arising from the performance of procedures on animals and the ethical acceptability of the procedures.

Ethics Committee members


MVDr. Rastislav Jurčík, PhD. – NAFC Nitra


  • prof. Ing. Róbert Toman, Dr. – Institute of Animal Husbandry, FAaFR SUA in Nitra
  • prof. Ing. Juraj Čuboň, CSc. – Institute of Food Sciences, FBFS
  • prof. Ing. Juraj Mlynek, PhD. - Institute of Animal Husbandry, FAaFR
  • prof. Ing. Branislav Gálik, PhD. – Institute of Nutrition and Genomics, FAaFR
  • doc. Ing. Henrieta Arpášová, PhD. - Institute of Animal Husbandry, FAaFR
  • Ing. Róbert Kirchner, PhD. - Institute of Animal Husbandry, FAaFR