International Scientific Conference "Quality Soil as a Pathway to Healthy Food in the EU - challenges until 2030"
by Lujza Záhoráková

The conference is organized within the Erasmus + project, Jean Monnet project "Quality Soil as a Pathway to Healthy Food in the EU", acronym FOODIE, no. 621119-EPP-1-2020-1-EN-EPPJMO-PROJECT.
The event will be divided into two parts. The first part will be a scientific symposium and the second part will be a correspondence conference.
Speakers from 9 European countries will participate at the symposium: Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The aim of the symposium will be the presentation of current research results and a comparison of legislation in selected EU countries in the field of soil and food protection. An important part of the symposium will be panel discussions, where experts will have the opportunity to exchange the latest knowledge and discuss the biggest issues in this field in their countries. Due to the unfavourable pandemic situation, the symposium will take place online via MS Teams.
The second part of the conference is the correspondence part. Papers for the correspondence conference can be sent by e-mail to: no later than by October 20, 2021. Selected scientific papers will be published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
You can find more information about the conference on its website: