SAAS commemorates 100 years of agricultural sciences in Slovakia
by Renáta Chosraviová
At Thursday's (September 26) event, it honored institutions and personalities who participated in the development of agricultural sciences. 75 organizations, members of the academy and important personalities of the economic and scientific research base received awards for their contribution to agricultural research, education and development of the agro-resort.
The Slovak University of Agriculture was also awarded the SAAS Grand Medal for long-term cooperation in the field of agriculture and the support of science and research in the resort. Rector Klaudia Halászová received the medal from the hands of SAAS chairman Vladimír Gozora. Associate professor Mária Kadlečíková, professor Elena Horská, SAAS chairman emeritus professor Jozef Bulla and SAAS chairman emeritus professor Štefan Mihina in memoriam also received the big SAAS medal. The SAAS small medal was awarded to emeritus members of the SAAS board - Professor Ladislav Nozdrovicky, Professor Vladimír Rataj and Docent Peter Serenčéš. Doctor of philosophy Peter Šedík received the SAAS diploma.
According to the chairman of SAAS Vladimír Gozora, the main challenge for the academy's experts is the more effective use, protection and regeneration of Slovakia's natural resources – soil, water, forest ecosystems and production biological material, while simultaneously ensuring nutritionally complete and healthy food. "Difficult tasks await agricultural research in the activation of the rural area and the development of the rural economy, in the support of small and medium-sized businesses in the countryside and the creation of better conditions for life and work in the countryside. We must pay special attention to young scientists, deepening cooperation with universities and research workplaces in order to achieve a higher synergistic effect in scientific research and application activities," he said.
The State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR Jozef Smatana emphasized that agricultural research has always fulfilled its demanding tasks in agri-food and forestry, while also contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the Slovak population. "We appreciate that SAAS experts take the initiative to solve the situation in agro-food production, use of natural resources and environmental protection. To a significant degree, they participate in the identification of crisis phenomena in the agri-food sector," he said in the presence of representatives of Nitra universities, SAS and research institutions.
The Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences is a learned society that brings together scientific and professional workers in the field of agriculture, food production, forestry, bioeconomy and rural development. In 1991, it became the successor organization of the Czechoslovak Academy of Agriculture, a joint agricultural research institution of Czechs and Slovaks. Its founder and first president was professor Milan Hodža, an important Slovak politician, scientist and minister of agriculture in the first Czechoslovak Republic. Currently, SAAS is a modern learned society that actively participates in the creation of development concepts and strategies for the development of agriculture. In cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions in Slovakia and abroad, it provides scientific, research and development activities.