SUA is successful in food innovation, having registered both a design and a trademark
by SPU Web Editor

The developed products with the trademark will be presented at the FOODBIOTECH conference of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences (FBFS), which will be held on October 10 and 11.
For a long time, the experts of the FBFS Institute of Food Industry have been paying attention to innovations aimed at the modification and targeted design of cereal-based basic foods, especially bread, pastries, muffins, long-lasting biscuits, salty crackers and other foods of plant or animal origin. Last year, the team under the leadership of Professor Tatiana Bojňanská prepared documents for design and trademark registration. Based on this, design number 29063 – Logo/graphic design and trademark no. 260841, owned by SUA. The graphic design will be used as a logo in marketing, advertising, promotion, product labels, etc. It is made in eight colors. Colors can be chosen for the type of product or according to the faculty from which the product originates. The originators of the design are prof. Tatiana Bojňanská and Ing. Anna Kolesárová.
Part of the pictorial trademark is the designation FruFí (FRUΦ) and the name of the Slovak University of Agricululture in Nitra. "Fí (Φ) is a Greek letter that represents the symbolism of the golden ratio and can be inspirational in various fields, including the design and aesthetics of food products. The golden ratio is associated with harmony and balance, which can be important when creating visually appealing products," explained T. Bojňanská. The label can be used for diet foods, nutritional supplements, freeze-dried foods, but also canned, candied and dried fruits, bread, bakery, confectionery products, biscuits and the like. Also for non-alcoholic beverages, but also retail and wholesale services with the mentioned goods, as well as scientific and technological services.
At the upcoming FOODBIOTECH conference, products such as cookies with freeze-dried fruit with the trademark FruFí, cookies with extracts from selected plants or snacks with extracts from medicinal mushrooms will be presented.
Innovations in the field of cereal products
In the field of cereal product innovations, SUA has already achieved several significant successes, including the award of a European patent under the number EP3491925 and the title Long Life Pastry for Specific Nutritional Purposes and Method of its Production. Currently, the utility model application PUV 42-2024 "Bread with a high proportion of freeze-dried small berries and its production method" was published, the applicant of which is SUA and the originators are Ing. Anna Kolesárová, prof. Tatiana Bojňanská, doc. Andrea Mendelová and Prof. Adriana Kolesárová. "The utility model was created as part of the solution of the APVV project Modulating effects of phytonutrients in relation to the health of the consumer, and in the case of its planned production, it is possible to use the granted trademark no. 260841. We believe that in cooperation with the SUA Food Incubator, which is the first food incubator in Slovakia and has been approved as a food production facility, it will be possible to offer these innovative products to consumers," said Professor Bojňanská.
Other researches at the Institute of Food Industry FBFS also have the potential to be applied in practice. Currently, a team led by Professor Bojňanská (Ing. Anna Kolesárová, Ing. Matej Čech and Ing. Adriana Handzušová) is working as part of the APVV project "Development of food using phytonutrients from plant sources and medicinal mushrooms with immunomodulating effects" on the development of durable cereal products, which, thanks to the content of extracts from medicinal mushrooms, will benefit consumers and enrich the range of foods with added value, possibly also with certain health claims.
SUA has developed strategies for the protection of intellectual property. In 2023, 12 potential IPs were reported by university staff. Six utility model applications and three Slovak patent applications were filed for them. So far, four utility models have been granted, other applications are pending.