INVEST Winter School: An Introduction to Nature-Inclusive Agriculture
by Lujza Záhoráková
Dear students, we would like to bring into your attention an opportunity to participate in a winter school titled “An Introduction to Nature-Inclusive Agriculture” organized by the Van Hal Larenstein (VHL) University of Applied Sciences from Netherlands within the project INVEST – INnoVations of REgional Sustainability: European UniversiTy Alliance project funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The course will introduce the importance and ways of involving stakeholders in planning processes. The focus is on private actors, but not forgetting the viewpoint of public organisations either. The course will employ student-centered approaches combined with interaction with real-world stakeholders. During the summer school, multidisciplinary international groups of students will work with regional organisations to formulate a stakeholder engagement plan.
The winter school is intended for students of all faculties and study programs who are at least in the second year of bachelor study. Prerequisite for participation in the winter school is knowledge of English at the B2 level.
For more information see the attached flyer and website ( or write an email to
The deadline for application in the form of a motivation letter/video is August 31, 2023.