BUP Contacts:

Ing. Barbora Čakovská, PhD. (The Head of National BUP Centre)


Tel.: +421 37 641 5406


Mgr. Vladislav Valach (BUP office, International Relations Office)


Tel.: +421 37 641 5545


BUP Ambassadors:

Simona Halásova xhalasovas@is.uniag.sk

I applied for the position of BUP Ambassador because I personally attended a conference in Estonia in 2019 as part of the program, where I had the opportunity to learn more about the activities of BUP and gain a lot of new knowledge. Thanks to this, I would like to move my experience further and acquaint the students of our university with the possibilities that the program offers them in cooperation with SUA. My expectations mainly include the development of the BUP community at the university and the deepening of partnerships with program members. I also believe that working together will open up new opportunities for me in my future professional life.


Marina Valenćikova xvalencikova@is.uniag.sk

I decided to join the program in order to gain more contacts, ie to expand the networking circle on the campus, maintain an active presence on the Internet and social networks, through which I will be able to provide information and answer questions about opportunities and irreplaceable experiences that SUA can provide our students thanks to cooperation with BUP. I expect to improve my skills, develop interests mainly in the field of marketing and leadership in a well-established organization such as BUP.