First steps after arrival


Erasmus+ students are registered during the Orientation week. In case of later arrival you can register at the International Relations Office.  
Other exchange students are registered via their faculty/project coordinator or via International Relations Office.
Exchange teachers for longterm stays are registered via faculty/project coordinator or via International Relations Office.
International Relations Office is located in the main university building, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, pavilion AE - Rectorate, 3rd floor, room no. 304.

Documents needed:

  • Acceptance letter or other proof of being accepted as an exchange student/staff at SUA in Nitra
  • Passport (Non-EU citizens) or national ID card (EU citizens)
  • Copy of entry visa (Non-EU citizens if applicable)
  • Copy of Health insurance  valid in Slovak Republic during the ENTIRE period of stay
  • Printed picture of you (size 3x3 cm) for the accommodation card
  • Passport size picture in electronic form for the student card
  • 27 EUR per ISIC card
  • or 13 EUR deposit for SUA Student card  
  • 20 EUR per semester for internet connection 


How to get ISIC card SUA Student card (for canteen, entrance to certain buildings):

  1. pay 27 EUR via your UIS students portal or 13 EUR in cash in cash desk after your arrival
  2. in case of 13 EUR payment - bring the receipt of the payment and passport size picture in electronic form to the International Relations Office, room no. 304, Mrs. Eva Trabalíková

NOTE: At the end of your stay you can return the card and the receipt of the payment to collect the deposit back in the same office where you paid (room no.105, pavilion AE, 1st floor, Mo-Fri 8:30 -  11:00)

The card is active the next day and credit can be uploaded at the dormitory ŠD Mladosť.


How to get Internet connection in your room:

  1. pay the fee 20 EUR via your UIS students portal
  2. bring the receipt of the payment and passport size picture in electronic form to the International Relations Office, room no. 304, Mrs. Eva Trabalíková

WIFI connection 

Network: EDUROAM
You can use Login and Password you have from your home university for EDUROAM network or  username and password obtained from the International Relations Office after registration into our University Information System (UIS).
Then you can log in typing and your password for UIS.
Support: Ing. Marek Urban, RNDr. Peter Šrkovina, Pavilion AE (main builiding), 1st floor, on the right end of the corridor

Wifi connection in the dormitory

After paying the connection fee bring the confirmation of payment to the International Relations Office, room no. 304, Mrs. Eva Trabalíková
Then you can log in typing your username and password for UIS.
Support: Ing. Karol Kania, Ing. Ján Fráter, Pavilion AS (Faculty of Economics and Management, left wing, 3rd floor)



Reporting residence at the Immigration Police Office is not necessary if you live in the SUA dormitory, they will report you automatically.  

In case of accomodation outside university dormitories EU citizens must report within 10 days after arrival into SR, non-EU citizens must report within 3 days after arrival in Slovak Republic at the local Immigration Police Office (Oddelenie cudzineckej polície), Kalvárska 2, 949 01 Nitra

Office hours: 

Monday            7:30 - 12:00   13:00 - 15:00,
Wednesday      7:30-12:00   13:00 - 16:30,
Friday               7:30 - 12:00

Form for Reporting of residence (Hlásenie pobytu) 

For stays longer than than 90 days in one half-year  citizens of Non-EU countries must apply for Temporary Residence Permit.

Booking system for an appointment at the Immigration Police Office in Nitra