Habilitation and inaugural procedures
The SUA in Nitra has accepted publicly accessible criteria for the evaluation of the conditions for obtaining the scientific-pedagogical title “associate professor” and scientific-pedagogical title “professor”, which comply with generally binding regulations. The level of the SUA criteria respects and is fully in line with the Standards for Habilitation Procedure and Procedure for Appointing Professors of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.
From 1.9.2022, candidates for all habilitation procedures at the SUA in Nitra are required to evaluate the fulfilment of the conditions for obtaining the title of Associate Professor according to Article 6 of the Standards for Habilitation Procedures and Procedures for Appointing Professors:
- third-level university education;
- current scientific and pedagogical activity in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedure at the university;
- experience and results in the performance of tasks in the field of higher education to the extent, structure and quality appropriate to international customs and specificities in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures;
- experience and results in the field of creative activities to the extent, in number, structure, intensity, degree of authorship and quality corresponding to international customs and specificities in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures;
- proof that the applicant is recognised as a scientific figure in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures, in particular proof of feedback on published scientific works or artistic outputs or performances or other outputs of creative activity in number, structure and other attributes corresponding to the international customs and specificities of the field of habilitation and inaugural procedures.
From 1.9.2022, candidates of all fields of inaugural procedures at the SUA in Nitra are required to evaluate the fulfilment of the conditions for obtaining the title of Professor according to Article 7 of the Standards for Habilitation Procedures and Procedures for Appointing Professors:
- prior acquisition of a scientific-pedagogical degree or artistic-pedagogical degree “associate professor”;
- current scientific and pedagogical activity in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures at the university;
- experience and results in the performance of tasks in the field of higher education to the extent, intensity, structure and quality corresponding to international customs and specificities in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures;
- experience and results in the field of creative activities to the extent, in number, structure, intensity, degree of authorship and quality corresponding to international customs and specificities in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures;
- proof that the applicant has influenced the development of the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedures by establishing a scientific school or art school, in particular by training at least one successfully completed doctoral student and by leading at least another doctoral student after the dissertation exam in the field of study to which the habilitation and inaugural procedure is assigned;
- proof that a candidate in the relevant field of habilitation and inaugural procedure is a recognised scientific or artistic personality, his/her scientific works or works of art have also obtained international recognition, showing, in particular, acquaintances with published scientific works or artistic outputs or performances or other outputs of creative activity in number, structure and other attributes corresponding to the international customs and specificities of the field of habilitation and inaugural procedure, while, as a standard, foreign feedbacks are also required;
- proof of international recognition by written reference from leading foreign experts from at least three different countries outside the Slovak Republic, and the references will confirm that the applicant meets the requirements for acting as a professor in an international context.