News and Events


On November 28, a series of strategic meetings to submit a new INVEST proposal to the European Alliance began on the grounds of the SPU in Nitra.


21th of the November, the on-site phase of Winter school with the topic: „POST CODE - POtential of Sustainable Tourism in COmmunity DEvelopment“ organized by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra within the INVEST European Alliance - Erasmus+ K2 European Universities project has begun.


The Alliance of European Universities INVEST, whose partner is the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra as the only university in Slovakia, published in October 2022 the second Newsletter in a row, which provides all important information about the activities of this alliance, the main idea of which is to strengthen the connection between teaching, research and innovations.

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra defended its position in the prestigious international ranking of world universities The Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2023 (THE WUR 2023). Seven Slovak universities were among the best universities in the regions, the SUA took 4th place.

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was awarded the Responsible Procurement 2021 award for excellent results in the field of public procurement in the past year.