News and Events

In this year's ranking of the prestigious Shanghai ranking of universities by field, which is a reflection of the scientific work of universities, the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra was ranked for the first time.

The aim of the call is to support innovation at universities, connect higher education with practice and facilitate access to the EIT innovation ecosystem.

Scientists all over the world are trying to find answers to the biggest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century - and Slovak science is part of that. The Slovak Spectator asked Slovak scientists about their research and how it can contribute to society.

This year, the folklore ensemble Zobor at SUA in Nitra commemorates the 66th anniversary of its establishment. The ensemble, led by Ondrej Debrecéni Jr., celebrated their anniversary with a magnificent ceremonial program Into a House, to a Table, on June 25 on the stage of the Andrej Bagar Theater in Nitra.

Profesia has compiled a ranking of university graduates for the fifteenth time. It takes into account how many employers viewed the CVs of graduates on the portal in 2021. The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra has long been ranked in the TOP10, ranking seventh in this year's ranking.