News and Events

Achieving sustainable food production is key to meeting the UN's sustainable development goals. As part of the Baltic University Program, an online student conference on Sustainable Food Production in Conditions of Climate Change is currently taking place, bringing together more than sixty participants from twelve countries around the world. The event takes place on the occasion of the spring presidency of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and is organized by the SUA in cooperation with the University of Uppsalla in Sweden.

EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs is an activity implemented by EIT Food partners in 2019-2021 and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. This project involves the target group of consumers in pre-competitive physical or online meetings focused on joint creation, which are limited in time and focused on the development of new product concepts.

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has once again approved the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra as the EIT Food Hub. This year, too, SUA in Nitra will be able to use the EIT Food Hub logo to contribute to the development of new business talents, support their innovative ideas and expand activities in line with the EIT's food strategy and business plans.

As part of the quality of education, the university has a duty to offer students opportunities to participate in international projects and consortia. One of the consortia of which SUA is a member is the Baltic University Program, which in February announced a call for students to become BUP ambassadors in their own country, actively participate in the creation of BUP activities and also participate in its further direction. Our students also responded to the call, from which two students were selected: Ing. Marina Valenćiková (FESRD) and Simona Halásova (FEM).

Based on good cooperation with practice, which recently manifested itself in research into preferences and perceptions of nutritional information on product packaging for Kaufland, an initiative was developed to involve the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the emerging Pro Nutri-Score Alliance.