News and Events

In January of this year, the European Patent Office (EPO) granted the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra a European patent EP 3353873 Method and Device for Electric Power Supply of a Single Phase Appliance During a Failure of One or Multiple Phases or more phases).

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences (FBFS), in cooperation with the AgroBioTech Research Center and CASEE universities, organized the online international CASEE winter school Food Environment and Health Risk Assessment in the Danube Region (DanubeFEHRA). It took place from 25 January to 5 February.

In the fifth year of the nationwide competition For Water, which is announced annually by the Ekopolis Foundation, the first three places were taken by students and graduates of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering (FHLE) of SUA.

The Paris-based International Organization (O.I.V.), which covers 46 of the world's wine-producing member countries, presented online awards for wine and viticulture publications online on 17 December.

In the greenhouse of the university Botanical Garden, an accelerator of edible and medicinal mushrooms was established, which is under the responsibility of the Department of Vegetables of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering. The construction modifications were financed from the funds of the SUA Grant Agency, the instrumentation for the modification of the microclimate for the production of mushrooms through the MushROOM project, supported by the Tatra banka Foundation.