News and Events

The Klások University Kindergarten should be established at the beginning of the next academic year 2020/2021. It will be intended for children of university staff and students.

In the national competition for the Professor Jozef Lacko Prize 2020, which is awarded to the authors of the best diploma theses from schools with an architectural focus, graduates of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra were also nominated for the final twelve: Ing. Paula Hoppanová with diploma thesis City Park in Vráble and Ing. Tatiana Škvarková, with diploma thesis Recreation and sports activities in a rural environment.

World Food Day, which we commemorate every year on 16 October, is an opportunity to step up efforts to achieve food security and proper nutrition for all. The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA), within the framework of its scientific research activities and international cooperation in the field of food research and nutrition, contributes to the provision of healthy, high-quality, safe and innovative foods.

The motto of this year's World Food Day, declared on 16 October by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) at the UN, is: “To cultivate, to feed, to maintain. Together. ”This year we will commemorate the 75th year.

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, through the applicant - the National Agricultural and Food Center in Lužianky - participated as a partner in the Call for applications for a non-repayable financial contribution to support long-term strategic research - Healthy Food and Environment (call code OPVaI-VA / DP / 2018 / 1.2.1-06).