News and Events

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was successful in the Call 2020 for projects of European universities (ERASMUS +) and as the only Slovak university it became the leader of the alliance INnoVations of REGional Sustainability: European UniversiTy Alliance - INVEST. The efforts of the project team, which under the leadership of prof. Anna Bandlerová from the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development and in cooperation with the Rectorate of the SUA prepared the project was crowned with success. The Alliance's activities will focus on students at all three levels of study, as well as on the academic and non-academic staff of the Alliance's partners.

Thirteen Slovak universities were evaluated in the latest Scimago Institutions Ranking 2020 ranking. The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra ranked second, ranking 743rd in the global rankings involving universities and research institutions.

A ceremonial announcement of the results of the Slovak University Startup Cup 2020 competition, prepared by the non-governmental organization Junior Chamber International (JCI) Slovakia, took place in Bratislava on 24 June. The winner of the artificial intelligence category was Patrik Jurčišin, a first-year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), who also won a special award for innovation.

The wooden object Rampolynå in Partizánske won the prestigious international award BigSEE Architecture Award 2020. Students of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering - Klaudia Dočekalová, 3rd year Bc. (Landscape and garden architecture) and doctoral student Ing. Miroslav Čibik, (Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture) participated on the project.

Under the auspices of the EIT Food Hub in Slovakia, the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, on 14 May, EIT Food RIS Fellowships conducted an online workshop for students and graduates applying for internships in companies and companies focused on the agro-sector and food system in EU countries.