News and Events

At the 35th Agrofilm 2019 International Film Festival, the best documentary filmmakers dedicated to agriculture, food and environmental quality were awarded. The authors of the awarded films received the awards on October 4 at a ceremony in the cinema hall of Mlyny Cinemas in Nitra.

The third year of the Women for Science competition, organized by L'Oréal Slovensko in cooperation with UNESCO, the Slovak Organization for Research and Development (SOVVA) and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), culminated on October 1 with the award ceremony of successful and talented scientists. One of the awarded was Ing. Eva Tvrdá, PhD., from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.


That was the main topic of the discussion between the rector of SUA doc. Klaudia Halászová and authors of a successful academic textbook Winery, wine-tasting and enogastronomy, published under SPU publishing house, that has received the Golden Sickle Award at this year´s exhibition at AGROKOMPLEX.

Ten students of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, who completed the Chinese language course in the Confucius classroom, attended the traditional summer school in China accompanied by their teacher in the period of July 1-15. The organizer was The SUA Confucius classroom, Faculty of Economics and Management of SUA in cooperation with the host Tianjin University.


The Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Agriculture and Food in Trnava, the Union of Vegetables and Potato Growers of Slovakia and the Union of Fruit Growers of the Slovak Republic, organized a workshop on 18 July.