News and Events

In order to support the future development of agriculture and agricultural technology, the CLAAS Foundation awards the International Student Prize annually for defended bachelor theses focused on agricultural technology.

Having an educated and sensible consumer who knows how and which foods to buy is an advantage for every country, its economy, agri-food, but also health. Therefore, the Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Food has been trying to educate a new, conscious generation of consumers for seven years through the competition-educational project Talk about Food.

Representatives and members of the Digital Coalition - National Coalition for Digital Skills and Occupations of the Slovak Republic met on 26 November at the annual meeting held at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. As part of the program, twenty coalition members were awarded the Digital Unit Award for meeting their obligations. One of the awarded was also Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.

Under the auspices of the EIT, the first annual Foodhaton Let's beat up the food waste was held in Warsaw on 27-28 November.

On November 21, the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS) announced the winners of the national competition for young scientists.