News and Events

On November 20, the Faculty of Economics and Management welcomed representatives of Nestlé - the largest food company, with whom they have been working for a long time in linking practical experience with theoretical knowledge of students. The aim of the organizers is to increase the employability of graduates in the labor market.

On  November 20, the second annual Bread Our Daily event was organized under the Aula of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, organized by the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources and the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences.

The events of November 1989 and their importance, but especially the situation at the then Agricultural University, were brought to the attention of current students of SUA by the first post-revolutionary rector prof. Ladislav Kabát.

Students of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering were again among the finalists of the fourth year of the nationwide competition For Water, results of which were announced on 13 November in Bratislava.

The Erasmus Village event is a popular part of the University Days of Nitra event. This year, it was organized on  November 13. Foreign students studying at SUA and CPU within the Erasmus + programme, bilateral or other cooperation programmes were offered interesting first-hand information through exhibitions and presentations from their countries and universities.