News and Events

Ten students of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, who completed the Chinese language course in the Confucius classroom, attended the traditional summer school in China accompanied by their teacher in the period of July 1-15. The organizer was The SUA Confucius classroom, Faculty of Economics and Management of SUA in cooperation with the host Tianjin University.


The Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Agriculture and Food in Trnava, the Union of Vegetables and Potato Growers of Slovakia and the Union of Fruit Growers of the Slovak Republic, organized a workshop on 18 July.


The Faculty of EU Studies and Regional Development hosted prof. Leonardo Pastorino  from the University La Plata  Argentina from 2-10. July 2019.

On 29 th May 2019, nine students of MBA study successfully defended their Final MBA Projects at Faculty of Economics and Management, SUA in Nitra.

During 20-23 May 2019, the OECD Forum (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) was held in Paris, France. The Slovak Republic was represented by 2 representatives - Mgr. Kristína Gendová Ruzsíková from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic (Department of Foreign Coordination) and by prof. Adriana Kolesárová from the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra - (Vice-Dean of the FBFS).