News and Events

In mid-May, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra welcomed the participants of the fifth international meeting on the Interreg Europe BIOREGIO project, which focuses on regional circular economy models and the best available technology for biological materials. Three faculties of SUA in Nitra are participating in the project - Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economics and Management.

Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences; and Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic would like to invite your PhD. students to the Scientific Conference of PhD. Students with international participation. The closing date for registration: September 30, 2019

The Faculty Engineering participated at the twenty-sixth International Fair of Machinery, Equipment, and Technology, which took place during May 21 - 24 at the Nitra Exhibition Center Agrokomplex.

During 25 - 28 April 2019, student conference was organized by the Baltic University Program with the support of Uppsala University in Sweden on the topic "Sustainable consumption and circular economy". It was attended by five students who represented SUA in Nitra, namely: Simona Halásová, Barbora Malecká, Adam Šimurda, Veronika Zábojníková from the Faculty of Economics and Management and Bc. Dušan Bálint from the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development. The conference venue was at the wonderful Four Lakes resort Nelijarve in Aegviidu, Estonia.

The bio-based economy is a powerfully emerging sector with huge potential. Nevertheless, there are still many European regions that do not take full advantage of their potential in yielding sustainable products instead of fossil-based resources. The project POWER4BIO aims at supporting these regions in boosting the bio-based economy in their areas and analysing the transition from a realistic and competitive standpoint.