News and Events

On February 26, in the premises of the industrial park in Vráble, the opening ceremony of the new production plant Auria Solutions Slovensko, ltd. was held. Invited representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Management and the Faculty of Engineering attended the event as well. 

On the 14th of February, an annual meeting of the Digital Coalition - National Coalition for Digital Skills and Professions of the Slovak Republic was held in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava. The main point of the program was to evaluate the Coalition's commitments, presentation of the accession members and the awarding prizes "Digital Unit 2018". Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitrabelongs to the fifteen new members of the Coalition. 

The winners of the Park of the Year, Garden of the Year, and Detail of the Year 2018 were announced during the 8th year of the Gardening Forum 2019, which took place on 13 and 14 February in the premises of the PKO in Nitra. The Special Award of the Jury in the category Garden of the Year was awarded by the Society for Garden and Landscape Design to Interactive Experimental Garden of Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering.

Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world, and last year the population grew to 265.4 million. The country has a very strong economy, which is on the sixteenth world scale. The ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Slovakia,Ms. Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady, opened an interesting thematic lecture "Indonesia Today" at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the SUA in Nitra.

More information on CEILAND Conference is available on official website of the conference: