News and Events

Representatives of all six faculties of SUA in Nitra visited the Serbian Vojvodina on 6 and 7 December 2018 to introduce our university to students of grammar schools where teaching language is Slovak.


At the Faculty of Garden and Landscape Architecture at Tulipanova Street, 5th December opened an exhibition of atelier works by students of the Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture. At the same time, they introduced two catalogs of student work.

The CLAAS Foundation awarded the best bachelor theses of academic year 2017/2018. Three students of the Faculty of Engineering were also awarded.

Christmas is a time of giving - not only with material gifts, but especially with loving words, creating an unforgettable pleasant atmosphere, fulfilling noble goals. Under the auspices of this philosophy, under the auspices of the rector of SUA in Nitra, Klaudia Halászová, on 11 December, a traditional Christmas concert of the SUA took place at the University Hall.

At the meeting of the SUA Scientific Council that was held on December 11, the rector of the SPU assoc. prof. Klaudia Halászová gave decrees to nine new associate professors.