News and Events

The ceremonial matriculation week at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra has official began by matriculation of 216 bachelor students from Faculty of Engineering. During this week, 1144 freshmen from all six faculties will receive their first study reports.

On 13 October, the Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers, established at SUA in Nitra, has become full member of the European Council for Rural Law (CEDR).

On 28 October 2018, Nitra city oficially opened its Fruit Orchard located at the site of the Agrokomplex. Orchard has been established as result of cooperation between city of Nitra and Faculty of Hoticulture and Landscape Engineering of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Its main purpose is to serve as source of healthy organic fruit, recreational and educational zone for Nitra citizens. 

On 18 October 2018, SUA University Farm Kolíňany, ltd, and Faculty of Engineering of SUA in Nitra organized the first edition of the University Day of Technology in the premises of the VPP in Kolíňany. Top agricultural machinery was presented to hundreds of visitors - especially students of SUA, students of high schools and seven companies.

On 16 October, the Laboratory of Consumer Studies was officially opened at Faculty of Economics and Management. Creation of this laboratory is a part of the four-year project which aim is to forward the education and research in Slovakia in the area of business, marketing, management and economics with the use of the latest technologies.