News and Events

On 12th March 2018, SUA Rector Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD. welcomed delegation from Tishreen University in Syria lead by their Rector – Dr. Hani Chaaban. The main aim of the visit was a discussion about possible cooperation in the field of research and mobilities of students and lecturers.

Project partners of the Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in The Field of Higher Education project Next destination Balkan: Agritourism landscapes development held a meeting at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra between 20th and 22nd February.


The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences in Nitra was accepted as a new Consortium member in December at the meeting of SAFE Consortium based in Brussels.


On Deceber 14th a six-member delegation from the Hebei Agricultural University in China visited the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. During a meeting with SUA Rector Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD. and members of the university and faculties management the foreign partners under the leadership of the University President prof. Shen Shuxing were informed about the activities of our university workplaces. They expressed their interest in closer cooperation in student and teacher exchange as well as in joint science and research activities. 


Prof. Peter Bielik entered the Hall of Fame of European Retail Agency (ERA). For the year 2018, Prof. Bielik becomes  a honoured personality of ERA. This award has been previously received by leading personalities of science, research and education as well as representatives of practice and public life. In 2014, this award was given to a former Italian Prime Minister and the President of the European Commission, Prof. Romano Prodi.