News and Events


The start of intense bilateral cooperation in the fields of science, education, research and culture was the subject of a meeting of six representatives of the BNAU in Ukraine, led by the Rector prof. Dr. Anatoliiom Danylenko, with SUA representatives in Nitra. They visited SUA on 9th October.


SUA Representatives attended the 4th Meeting of China-CEEC Consortium

The fourth Consortium meeting of the Chinese and Central European universities took place on 21.-22. September in Serbia. SUA was represented by the Vice-Rector for Education and ECTS prof. RNDr. Zdenka Gálová, CSc., and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management prof. Dr. Ing. Elena Horská. 


The main issues of the development of higher education in agriculture in Russia and Europe discussed at VUA meeting

The representatives of the Visegrad Association of Universities (VUA) held a session for three days (13th-15th September) at Russian State Agrarian University - MTAA in Moscow in Russian Federation. It was the first Annual VUA meeting held in Russia. Experts tackled issues of higher education in agriculture and discussed a number of topical issues of agro-economics. 


Slovak University of Agriculture visited by Indonesian delegation

On 11th September, SUA Rector Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter  Bielik, PhD  welcomed seventeen members of Indonesian delegation lead by Adiyatwidi Adiwoso, ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia.


International student´s experience on FESRD - SUA studying through the Atlantis Program

Although study abroad programs have existed at universities in the United States for over 100 years, only about 1 percent of all students enrolled in higher education in the United States make use of such resources. While several factors contribute to this low level of engagement, funding and knowledge about the availability of these programs are two key factors hindering students from pursuing this opportunity.