News and Events

Mexican-Slovak Partnership with Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Rector of SUA Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD. and Rector of Mexican Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Dr. Sergio Barrales Domínguez signed agreement on Universities´ cooperation.

SAAIC National Agency Evaluates Erasmus+ Programme KA103

Successful realization of Erasmus+ project at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra continues with the evaluation of the previous academic year 2015/2016, in which SAAIC National Agency evaluated the process of Erasmus+ programme KA103 - its final report - very positively at SUA in Nitra.

Auditorium of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra on Postage Stamp

On January 9, Slovak Post issued a new postage stamp with Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra on it. It shows SUA Auditorium Maximum, the most characteristic and the most unique part of the University. Ceremonial introduction of the postage stamp took place on January 17 in the Auditorium of SUA in Nitra.

SUA ESN Volunteers Among the Most Active

On 10 January 2016, the President of Erasmus Student Network Martin Schön sent a Letter of Thanks to the Vice-Rector of SUA for Education and ECTS prof. RNDr. Zdenka Gálová, CSc., in which he appreciated and thanked for the active involvement of SUA students who are members of the ESN SUA section, as well as for the support in the development and promotion of the student voluntary organization.

SUA Signs Agreement on Cooperation with Eszterházy Károly University

The aim of the meeting of five representatives of Eszterházy Károly University (EKU), among them the Rector of EKU Dr. habil. Kálmán Liptai, PhD., with the management of SUA in Nitra, was to start an intensive bilateral cooperation in the fields of education, science and research. The honoured guests were welcomed by the Rector of SUA Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD. in the presence of the Chairman of the SUA Academic Senate, doc. Mgr. Ing. Danka Moravčíková, PhD., and the representatives of SUA Faculties.