News and Events

Study Stay at Louisiana State University

If you see a call for applications for study stay at Louisiana State University, USA, go into it! It is worth it! 

Erasmus Village

On 29. March, SUA´s Main Hall under the Auditorium again changed into ERASMUS VILLAGE, where students, staff and SUA visitors could virtually „visit“ Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Spain, Portugal, France or Italy.

Mexican-Slovak Partnership with Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Rector of SUA Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD. and Rector of Mexican Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Dr. Sergio Barrales Domínguez signed agreement on Universities´ cooperation.

SAAIC National Agency Evaluates Erasmus+ Programme KA103

Successful realization of Erasmus+ project at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra continues with the evaluation of the previous academic year 2015/2016, in which SAAIC National Agency evaluated the process of Erasmus+ programme KA103 - its final report - very positively at SUA in Nitra.

Auditorium of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra on Postage Stamp

On January 9, Slovak Post issued a new postage stamp with Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra on it. It shows SUA Auditorium Maximum, the most characteristic and the most unique part of the University. Ceremonial introduction of the postage stamp took place on January 17 in the Auditorium of SUA in Nitra.