News and Events

Prof. Peter Bielik became an ICA Board member for Central and Eastern Europe

On October 25, Ghent University held a General Assembly of the association of universities with a focus on agriculture and life sciences ICA. One of the items on the agenda of the Assembly was the election of the  ICA Board members for particular constituencies represented in the association.

Honorary Degree Awarded to Prof. G. Van Huylenbroeck and Prof. W. Heijman

On October 19, the main hall of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra hosted a ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and Scientific Councils of the Faculty of Economics and management and the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development in order to award the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa to two internationally acknowledged scientists and pedagogues - Prof. dr. ir. Guido Van Huylenbroeck and to Prof. Dr. Wilhelmus Johannes Maria Heijman. 

Award for the Best Technology Transfer for SUA Transfer Centre

Transfer Centrum of the SUA v Nitra received the 2016 Award for the Best Technology Transfer. The Director of the SUA Transfer Centre doc. Mgr. Ing. Danka Moravčíková, PhD was given the Award by the Head of the Support of Science section of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information Ing. Ľubomir Bilský on October 6 within the framework of the conference titled Technology Transfer in Slovakia and Abroad.

SUA Has New Graduates of PhD and MBA Studies

Graduation ceremony of graduates of the third level of higher education and award of certificates to graduates of international MBA study of Agribusiness and Commerce that was a programme of the ceremony that took place on October 7 in the main hall at SUA.

SUA Signs Cooperation Agreement with SPPK to Use the Potential of Its Faculties for Practice

In order to connect education and practice, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra signed a Memorandum on Cooperation with Slovak Agriculture and Food Commerce in Bratislava. The first mutual activity will be realized in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Management of SUA in Nitra, and hence the meeting took place at the Faculty on September 28.