News and Events

Graduate of Our University Comes Back to Her Alma Mater after 17 Years

On 22 September 2016, the graduate of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Agriculture in Nitra, Ing. Dana Prasličková, PhD., visited her Alma Mater and the premises of the newly established AgroBioTech Research Centre.

SUA Opened the Third Year of Education of the Chinese Language

On 26 September, SUA opened not only the new academic year but also the third year of education of the Chinese language.

SUA Started New Academic Year 2016-2017

On 26 September, SUA in Nitra ceremonially opened the new academic year 2016–2017 in the great hall and, in this way, it started the 64th academic year in the history of the University.

Attila Tóth was awarded a prestigious award in Switzerland

Ing. Attila Tóth, PhD., Assistant Professor at the Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering SUA in Nitra, got the prestigious award in Switzerland – Outstanding Student of the 3rd Cycle (Doctoral).

Visegrad University Association, General Meeting 2016, Szent Istvan University Godollo, Hungary

General Meeting of Visegrad University Association 2016 took place at Szent Istvan University Godollo, Hungary on September 18-20. The meeting was attended by more than 50 representatives of 23 VUA member universities coming from 10 countries.