News and Events

The Award of the Minister of Environment for doc. Alexander Fehér

The Minister of Environment of the Slovak Republic László Sólymos awarded 32 individuals and two teams for their contribution to the environment, including doc. Ing. Alexander Fehér, PhD., from the Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.

Izabela Adamičková in Charge of SUA Bursar’s Office

On June 1, 2016, doc. Ing. Izabela Adamičková, PhD. took charge of the office of the Bursar of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra after the former bursar, doc. Ing. Oľgu Roháčikovú, PhD., was elected the Dean of the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development.

Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development has a new Dean

On June 1, 2016,a new dean of FESRD doc. Ing. Olga Roháčiková, PhD., took the office. She was elected to the post of the Dean at a public meeting of the Academic Senate of FESRD in Nitra, on December 17, 2015.

Preparations for the Summer School of Chinese Language are culminating

On May 5, 2016, a preparatory meeting of Chinese language students took place at SUA in Nitra. The event was prepared by the Chinese language lecturer at SUA in Nitra Mr. Zhang Changhui. The students will attend a Summer School in Tianjin University from 10 to 23 July, 2016.

Presentation science day at AgroBioTech Research Centre offered an overview of the six-monthly work

On May 18, 2016, AgroBioTech Research Centre at SUA in Nitra prepared a public presentation for SUA employees and students. The presentation focused on the activities of the laboratories, existing research results and research plans for the next period.