News and Events

Chinese experts in agriculture interested in broader cooperation with SUA

Six representatives of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS) in Nanjing in China's Jiangsu Province, led by Vice President prof. Wengui Yu, visited European institutions focused on agriculture within their one-week stay. On April 26, they were received by the Rector Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD. and the members of the Department of Plant Physiology FAFR doc. Ing. Katarína Olšovská, PhD. a prof. Ing. Marián Brestič, PhD. at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.

SUA students participated in the second year of study course at LSU

From 9th till 17th of April, 2016 a group of students from the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra participated in the intensive study course at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, USA.

Appointing decrees for new Deans

At the meeting of SUA Management held on April 25 in the premises of the newly built AgroBioTech Research Center, Rector of SUA Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD., granted the appointing decrees to the Deans of two faculties – the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering and the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development.

Carrer Day can be the key to job opportunities

The main aim of the Carrer Day at the SUA, which is traditionally organized by the SUA Carrer Centre, is to allow  personal meetings with  students, future graduates and representatives of the companies, mediate jobs, internships, training or cooperation on the bachelor's and master's thesis, organize informative lectures and unrepeatable possibility of networking. This year, it was held on April 6.

Doc. Klaudia Halászová remains in office as the HLEF Dean

The elections for a candidate for the Dean were held on February 18, 2016 at the meeting of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering of the SUA in Nitra.