News and Events

SUA was presented at the 41th Agrokomplex

Nitra has become a venue of the 41th International Agricultural and Food Exhibition Agrokomplex. The Slovak University of Agriculture could not be absent and has prepared own interactive exposition.


SUA has started a new cooperation with Louisiana State University

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra cooperates with many renowned universities around the world. On July 30, SUA has established new partnership with Louisiana State University (LSU). Representatives of LSU and SUA made a first step in bilateral cooperation and signed an agreement about future collaboration.

Rector delegated three Vice-rectors SUA

Rector of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD., has on July 7 2014 delegated three vice-rectors. Prof. RNDr. Zdenka Gálová, CSc. remains in the office of a Vice-rector for Education and ECTS also for the second term. New Vice-rector for Science and Research will be prof. Ing. Ján Gaduš, PhD. (FESRD) and Ing. arch. Roberta Štěpánková, PhD. (FHLE) will be a new Vice-rector for Informatization and University Development.

Laureates of Academic Nitra 2014 are Hornád and Poľana

Academic Nitra has come to the end and we know all the winners. The Czech folk ensemble Poľana got the title of Laureate AN 2014  in the category of the foreign ensembles. The folk ensemble Hornád from the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice won the title in the category of national representatives. Hornád got the award for the second time and has proven its professionalism. The author of choreography for the both ensembles was Mgr. Štefan Štec.


The International Summer School  SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT organized by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA), Slovakia in cooperation with the University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Germany was held in the period of 23.6. – 6.7. 2014.