News and Events

The Indian Ambassador has visited SUA in Nitra

On 10th of November, H.E. Param Jit Mann, the Ambassador of India to the SR, visited SUA in Nitra. The precious guest accompanied by the member of the Embassy of India Jana Vančová were welcomed by the Rector of SUA Dr.h.c. Prof. Peter Bielik, Phd. and by the Head of Foreign Relations and International Projects Office, Mgr. Vladislav Valach.

SUA awarded Honorary Degree to Prof. Walter F. Leal and Prof. Edward Pierzgalski

On November 4, 2014 at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra the formal meeting of the Scientific Council of SUA, extended by the assembly of Scientific Council of the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, took place. The Rector of the University, Dr. h.c. Prof. Peter Bielik awarded the honorary degree "Doctor honoris causa" to internationally recognized scientific and pedagogic personalities - Prof. Dr. habil. Walter F. Leal and to Prof. Dr. habil Edward Pierzgalski.

International award ECTS Label and DS Label for SUA in Nitra

In 2010 SUA in Nitra as the first of Slovak universities, received the ECTS Label award from the European Commission for the proper and consistent application of the European Credit Transfer System. The award was valid for the years 2010-2013. Last year, SUA applied for a renewal of this quality label, which is one of the most prestigious award of the European Higher Education Area. The European Commission has re-awarded our University the ECTS Label and at the same time another international award Diploma Supplement Label (DS Label) for the years 2013 - 2016.

NoGAP Steering Committee meeting at SUA

On September 24-26, a steering committee and twinning meeting was organized at SUA as a part of the 7FP project NoGAP (Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation) that is locally coordinated by the SUA Rector, Prof. Peter Bielik.

New academic year has started with inauguration of the Rector

The Academic Festive Session was held in the assembly hall on Monday, September 22, 2014 on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the academic year 2014/2015 and inauguration of the Rector, Prof. Peter Bielik.