News and Events

Laureates of Academic Nitra 2014 are Hornád and Poľana

Academic Nitra has come to the end and we know all the winners. The Czech folk ensemble Poľana got the title of Laureate AN 2014  in the category of the foreign ensembles. The folk ensemble Hornád from the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice won the title in the category of national representatives. Hornád got the award for the second time and has proven its professionalism. The author of choreography for the both ensembles was Mgr. Štefan Štec.


The International Summer School  SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT organized by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA), Slovakia in cooperation with the University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Germany was held in the period of 23.6. – 6.7. 2014.

Annual Meeting of AGRIMBA International board at SUA in Nitra

On the 16 June 2014 an annual general meeting of the board of the international network of cooperating universities in the field of agriculture „AGRIMBA“ took place at the Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA). There gathered 31 representatives from twelve countries and fifteen universities. They are bound together with the study of „MBA in Agribusiness and Commerce“ under the auspices of the Wageningen University in the Netherlands, realised in many universities about Europe, Russia and the Ukraine.

Greek Week in Podkylava

On 11 - 15 June 2014 the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra organized  for the second time the INTERNATIONAL GREEN WEEK for MBA students from the international AGRIMBA network. There participated 27 MBA students from Warsaw, Nitra and Kiev, who under the guidance of prof. Bruce Ahrendsen from the University of Arkansas, USA, dealt with case studies in two selected companies: PVOD Kočín and Ekotrend Myjava, Ltd.

Rectors of six universities appointed by the President

Rectors of six Slovak universities were appointed on May 26 at the Presidential Palace in Bratislava by the President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič. Three of them carried this position before, other three universities will have a new rector.