SUA is again one of the most sustainable universities in Slovakia
SUA is one of the most sustainable universities in Slovakia
SUA in Nitra was included in the QS World University Ranking
GO GREEN! Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra


News and Events

The Career Day – a possibility for our students

The 3rd  year of the university Career Day took place at SUA on February 26. Participating companies and subjects  introduced various projects, career opportunities and career programmes, as well as information to help  better navigate and succeed in the labour market to students and future graduates of SUA. • photo •

Our specialists can contribute to Iraq development.

In the period of February 17-22 the representatives of various provinces of the Republic of Iraq led by  Mr. Abaas Mohammed Fadil  of the Ministry of Regional Affairs visited  the city of Nitra. The delegation was  accompanied by  H.E. Ambassador of Iraq to Slovakia Mr.  Matheel Al Sabti and attaché of the Iraqi Embassy Mr. Hassan Al Shmailawim. The group was  welcomed by the Nitra Mayor Jozef Dvonč, Vice Mayor Štefan Štefek and  Ján Vančo, Head of the Regional Office Igor Kršiak, the chief architect Jozef Hrozenský  and the SUA rector prof. Peter Bielik as well as the director of Agrokomplex - Exhibition František Ďurkovič and others.

SUA is a member of international agrarian cluster

The rector of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Dr.hc prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD., signed the founding document called  International Agrarian Research and Development Cluster of the river Tisza valley on 14 February in Debrecen (Hungary) within the international technical cooperation between universities and research institutes.

The agreement was signed by 35 organizations from five countries from the Tisza river basin.

Open Doors Day 2013 – laboratories, experiments, horses and lizards...

On February 8, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra opened  its doors  to give secondary school students and their families insight into the background of its six faculties. As a part of the Open Doors Day 2013 our visitors had a chance to see the university vivarium , botanical garden or the horse riding area (FAFR Department of Animal Husbandry) and participate in contests and other interesting events.  • photo •

The visit of new Indonesian Ambassador to SUA

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Slovakia H.E.Djumantoro Purwokoputro Purba accompanied by the embassy secretary Meylia Wulandari visited the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra during the first official visit on February 7, 2013. The special guest at our alma mater was welcomed by the Rector,  Prof.Peter Bielik, Vice-rectors and Deans. The talks  evaluated our cooperation and offered ideas for future academic and scientific common activities.  • photo •