Meeting of Slovak universities involved in the European university alliances
by SPU Web Editor

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra as the coordinating institution of the INVEST Alliance was represented by professor Lucia Palšová, assoc. prof. Lenka Lackóová, and Norbert Floriš, PhD. Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation, the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, and the Slovak Academic Information Agency also supported the meeting with their participation.
At the beginning of the meeting, the universities involved in the newly created alliances were presented; subsequently, the universities involved in the already existing alliances presented the status of implementation of their projects and the news in their alliances, as well. An important point of the program was the discussion on the topic of joint study programs and the European approach to ensuring their quality, during which the participants had the opportunity to exchange information and experience in the approach to the creation of joint study programs in their alliances. No less important was the discussion on the activities of European universities to support excellent research in Slovakia. The program of the meeting ended with a presentation by a representative of the student community on the involvement of students in the activities of European universities.