SUA at the event focused on research into the health effects of cadmium
by SPU Web Editor

SUA was represented at the event by the head of the Institute of Applied Biology of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science and member of the ISRCT, Professor Peter Massányi.
Experts discussed the results of research on the health effects of cadmium and heavy metals and the link to the development of diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis and tumors. Cadmium is mainly used for the production of rechargeable batteries or for the creation of protective anti-corrosion layers. It occurs in water and in various foods when soil and water deposits are contaminated.
"We also devoted ourselves to the preparation of joint Erasmus projects, respectively the use of research capacities in joint research. We positively evaluated the exchange stays of doctoral students as part of cooperation, we discussed the topic of a joint summer school, which should be organized every year. It will be guaranteed by the ISRCT, SUA, the University of Sassari, the University of Belgrade and UKEN in Krakow, which will create optimal conditions for solving doctoral theses and other scientific activities at joint workplaces," informed Professor Massányi.
During the event, the rector of the University of Sassari, Gavino Mariotti, and the president of the ISRCT, Roberto Madeddu, signed a memorandum to expand international cooperation, especially for the benefit of young students and researchers. The cooperation will also result in summer schools. Next year, the third international symposium (Cadmium symposium 2025) will take place again in Sassari with the motto: "Third mission: to carry out research and inform society in a simple way about the health risks posed by cadmium and heavy metals".
ISRCT (International Society for Research on Cadmium and Trace Elements Toxicology) is an international non-profit scientific society based in Sassari, chaired by the head of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Sassari, Professor Roberto Madeddu. It was founded in 2015 on the occasion of the first symposium on cadmium toxicity, and several employees of the Institute of Applied Biology FBFS of SUA are also active members. The aim of the company is to support multidisciplinary research and the dissemination of information about cadmium in the environment and its impact on health.
PHOTO: ISRCT President Roberto Madeddu, Professor Alexander Buha Dordevic (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Robert Stawarz (UKEN in Krakow, Poland), David Bernhard (University of Linz, Austria), Paolo Valera (University of Cagliari) attended the board meeting ) and Peter Massányi, (SUA, Slovakia) - in the joint picture on the right. Also present was Professor Marco Vinceti (University of Modena), president of two associations - AISETOV and FESTEM, with which ISRCT concluded an agreement on scientific cooperation.