SUA signed a Letter of Intent with FAO
by SPU Web Editor

Cooperation with the most important world organization in the field of nutrition and agriculture confirms the good reputation of SUA not only at home, but also abroad. At the initial meeting with FAO Director General Qu Dongyu and his delegation, Rector K. Halászová briefly introduced the Slovak University of Agriculture to the guests. As she stated, SUA educates students in six fields. She emphasized that it is the only university in Slovakia with international accreditation in landscape and garden architecture. "SUA started to set the trend of a sustainable and green university, and we set our strategic plan accordingly. The mission of the university is in line with the principles of Agenda 2030 and we are trying to profile ourselves as a sustainable university in relation to agriculture and food industry. We appreciate the opportunity to sign a memorandum of cooperation with FAO, because the intersection of topics is really very broad and we see a great perspective for the university in this," said the Rector.
She introduced the delegation to the rich infrastructure of SUA, which recently included a new Envirocenter dedicated to climate change in relation to agriculture, as well as a Food Incubator focused on the development of its own healthy foods. She pointed out that SUA also has a university kindergarten, where it instills a love for nature and agriculture in children at an early age. "The new dimension that we want to offer is represented by our SUA Creative Center, which deals with the creative industry and areas such as food design, advertising in the food industry and in trade, green and blue infrastructure," the Rector explained. She also recalled the important international project of European universities INVEST. SUA leads this type of consortium as the only university in Slovakia.
At the end of the opening meeting, Rector K. Halászová and FAO Deputy Director General and Head of the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia Viorel Gutu signed a memorandum of cooperation between SUA and FAO. After the document was signed, gifts were exchanged. The Rector presented Qu Dongyu with a SUA commemorative medal as well as a work of art with a botanical theme. Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization Lucia Palšová, Vice-Rector for Education Milan Šimko, Professor Adriana Kolesárová from the AgroBioTech Research Center and Director of the International Relations Office Vladislav Valach also participated in the meeting on behalf of SUA.
At the AgroBioTech Research Center, Qu Dongyu and his delegation participated in a discussion with faculty experts and students. He then toured the AgroBioTech Research Center, where he tasted products from the Food Incubator, university beer and even played table tennis. The end of the program was a tour of the SUA Botanical Garden. The Director General of FAO stated that it was an honor for him to visit the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. He highlighted that the university is extremely active and does science and research at a first-class level.