SUA signed a memorandum of cooperation with an Uzbek university


The SUA Rector Klaudia Halászová and the NRU Rector Bakhadir Mirzaev signed the memorandum of cooperation between SUA and the National Research University (NRU) - Tashkent Institute of Water Management Engineers and Agricultural Mechanization.

According to the Rector, the range of topics for cooperation with the National Research University in Tashkent is very broad. She expects that mutual cooperation in the field of education, science and research, exchange of doctoral students and teachers will continue to benefit SUA. According to her, wide possibilities for cooperation are offered not only within the AgroBioTech Research Center, but also in the recently opened Envirocenter and Creative Center of SUA. The AgroForestry consortium, created by SUA and the Technical University in Zvolen, will also be of benefit in the creation of innovative partnerships.

The head of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics of the Faculty of Hydromelioration Professor Aybek Arifjanov (in the photo) participated on behalf of NRU at the meeting on the premises of SUA, which took place on September 18. As he said, they see mutual penetrations for cooperation in the field of agroforestry, water and soil management, modern mechanization, landscaping and creative solutions to professional issues.

SUA started cooperation with Uzbek universities seven years ago, when the first memorandums of cooperation were signed with three Uzbek universities - NRU, Andijan Agricultural Institute and Karakalpa State University. A year later, Gulistan State University joined them. The result of cooperation is several successfully implemented student and teacher mobilities. Currently, 20 students from the mentioned Uzbek universities are also studying at SUA, among them Dr. Shamshodek Akmalov (on the joint picture on the right), who is currently on an internship at FEM.

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