The assessment of the sample of pig breeding iin the SUA University Farm confirmed excellent results
by SPU Web Editor

On September 16, in the sample collection of pig breeding in the SUA University Farm in Žirany, a credit rating was carried out in the breeding farm of the white noble. The goal of the annual evaluation is to comprehensively determine the breeding value of pigs, according to the results of the performance control, health status and assessment of the exterior (type, constitution, appearance).
28 breeding sows and three breeding boars were shown. The achieved results have been well above the average results in breeding farms in Slovakia for many years, which is also proven by the regular placement in the first places in the NAJ Slovak breeding competition. In recent years, the number of live-born pigs per sow has been around 30-35 individuals. The number of pigs raised per sow and year is 28 to 30 individuals. The excellent quality of the produced progeny of boars of the noble white breed is reflected in the regular inclusion of studs in breeding farms and reproduction farms within Slovakia.
The reproductive efficiency, the quality of the breeding material produced, as well as the total breeding value achieved in the sows of the basic herd far exceed the results achieved in the breeding farms of the Slovak Republic. "The sows of the basic herd are excellent representatives of the noble white breed. The breeding meets all the criteria set for breeding," stated the chairman of the credit commission, Jozef Horváth.
Noble breeding of the white noble breed in SUA University Farm in Žirany is one of the best breedings in Slovakia. For the last eight years, the main breed in the production of boars of new lines is the noble white breed due to the need for inclusion in breeding farms and reproduction farms within Slovakia, stated J. Horváth and the director of the sample collection Ján Drahovský.
Thanks to the staff of the Institute of Animal Husbandry FAFR - professor Juraj Mlynek, docent Ondřej Buček, docent Ivan Imrich, as well as the farm workers led by Zdenka Vavrová in cooperation with breeding zootechnician Zoltán Jakabovič for the results achieved in breeding.