Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for Excellent Researchers R2-R4
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00485
Project Title: Identification of Housed Animals' Activity by Ultrasound
Project Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 148 306,80 EUR
Researcher: Ing. Vladimír Madola, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 1. Support for international cooperation and participation in Horizon Europe projects and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Call Title: Matching grants for resources obtained under the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programs
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00075
Project Title: Research on the impact of organic material application into soil - opportunities and risks
Project Duration: 05/2024 - 06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 192 405,00 EUR
Lead Researcher: Ing. Tatiana Kaletová, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for Excellent Researchers R2-R4
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00475
Project Title: Food Security and Sustainability of Agricultural Production: The Role of Institutions and Policies
Project Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 152 164,80 EUR
Researcher: prof. Štefan Bojnec, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for Excellent Researchers R2-R4
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00349
Project Title: Consumer Studies on Sustainable and Healthier Food Systems
Project Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 148 306,80 EUR
Researcher: MD Billal Hossain

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 1. Support for international cooperation and participation in Horizon Europe projects and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Call Title: Matching grants for resources obtained under the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programs
Project Code: 09I01-03-V04-00026
Project Title: Assessment of Bioeconomy Development in Slovakia: Building Statistical Databases and Models
Project Duration: 06/2024 - 12/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 91 191,61 EUR
Lead Researcher: prof. Ing. Ján Pokrivčák, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Capital Booster for Research and Development Support Schemes
Project Code: 09I03-03-V06-00085
Project Title: Studying the Effects of Warming and Drought on Photosynthetic Productivity of Crop Genetic Resources
Project Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 91 266,00 EUR
Lead Researcher: doc. Ing. Marek Živčák, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Capital Booster for Research and Development Support Schemes
Project Code: 09I03-03-V06-00044
Project Title: Analysis of Chemical Elements in Milk and Dairy Products of Sheep
Project Duration: 08/2024 - 07/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 99 570,00 EUR
Lead Researcher: prof. Ing. Róbert Toman, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for Excellent Researchers R2-R4
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00346
Project Title: The Effect of Lignans on Crop Adaptation to Abiotic Stress Analyzed Using In Vitro Elicitation and microRNA Markers
Project Duration: 01/2025 - 12/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 74 153,40 EUR
Researcher: Moumita Roy Chowdhury

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Capital Booster for Research and Development Support Schemes
Project Code: 09I03-03-V06-00003
Project Title: Functional Analysis of the TOR Signaling Pathway in the Regulation of Organism Response to Abiotic Stress in Fission Yeasts
Project Duration: 10/2024 - 09/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 99,972.00 EUR
Lead Researcher: Dr. Ing. Miroslava Požgajová

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for Excellent Researchers R2-R4
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00381
Project Title: Determination of Changes in Cell Ultrastructure Caused by the Effect of Stress Factors Using Transmission Electron Microscope
Project Duration: 09/2024-06/2026
Approved funding amount: 148 306,80 EUR
Researcher: Ing. Lenka Kuželová, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for excellent researchers R2-R4
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00379
Project Title: Analysis of the Influence of Toxic Elements on Eukaryotic Organisms at the Molecular Level
Project Duration: 09/2024-06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 148 306,80 EUR
Researcher: Hossein Zakariapour Bahnamiri

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Early stage grants
Project Code: 09I03-03-V05-00018
Project Title: Early stage grants at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Project Duration: 01/2023-06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 156 862,00 EUR
Lead Researcher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for excellent PhD students (R1)
Project Code: 09I03-03-V02-00043
Project Title: Scholarships for Excellent PhD. Students (R1) at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Project Duration: 09/2023-06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 271 374,00 EUR
Lead Researcher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 1. Support for international cooperation and participation in Horizon Europe projects and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Call Title: Support for Project Preparation in Horizon Europe
Project Code: 09I03-03-V02-00107
Project Title: Support for Project Preparation in Horizon Europe – SUA_2
Project Duration:
Approved Funding Amount: 40 000,00 EUR
Lead Researcher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Capital Booster for Research and Development Support Schemes
Project Code: 09I03-03-V06-00029
Project Title: Process Changes in the Composition of Selected Food Matrices in Relation to Food Quality Control, Safety and Authenticity
Project Duration: 07/2024-06/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 99 986,00, EUR
Lead Researcher: prof. Ing. Jozef Golian, Dr.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Capital Booster for Research and Development Support Schemes
Project Code: 09I03-03-V06-00045
Project Title: Valorization of Bioactive Components from Grape Processing By-products and Their Use in Innovative Foods
Project Duration: 08/2024-07/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 100 000,00 EUR
Lead Investigator: Ing. Pavol Trebichalský, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 3. Excellent Science
Call Title: Scholarships for Excellent Researchers (R2-R4)
Project Code: 09I03-03-V04-00483
Project Title: Identification and Characterization of Molecular Predictors of Cryoresistance of Animal Ejaculates
Project Duration: 09/2024-06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: €148,306.80
Researcher: Sara Ataei Nazari

Component: 8. Increasing the performance of Slovak universities
Reform/Investment: 1. Investment Support for the Strategic Development of Universities
Call Title: Support for the Strategic Development of University Infrastructure
Project Code: 08I01-20-V05-00001
Project Title: Consortium-AgroForestry
Project Duration: 07/2023-03/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 17 357 700,56 EUR
Lead Researcher: doc. Ing. Klaudia Halászová, PhD.
Project Partner: Technical University in Zvolen

Component: 10. Attracting and retaining talent
Investment: 4. Support for Internationalization in the Academic Environment
Call Title: Audit of the Level of Internationalization and Implementation of Internationalization Projects of Universities and Public Research Institutions
Project Code: 10I04-20-V03-00005
Project Title: Audit of the Level of Internationalization and Implementation of Internationalization Projects of Universities and Public Research Institution
Project Duration: 01/2024-10/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 600 000,00 EUR and 12 000 EUR for VAT
Lead Researcher: PROFESSOR JUDr. Lucia Palšová, PhD.

Component: 10. Attracting and retaining talent
Investment: 4. Support for Internationalization in the Academic Environment
Call Title:  Call for Support of University Promotion Projects Abroad
Project Code: 10I04-20-V01-00002
Project Title: Support for SUA Promotion Abroad
Project Duration: 01/2024-09/2025
Approved Funding Amount: 455 000,00 EUR and 10 000 EUR for VAT
Lead Researcher: PROFESSOR JUDr. Lucia Palšová, PhD.

Component: 10. Attracting and retaining talent
Investment: 2. Strengthening Relations with the Diaspora, Supporting Civic Initiatives
Call Title: Call for Support for Strengthening Relations with the Slovak Diaspora
Project Code: 10I02-03-V01-00032
Project Title: Slovak Diaspora – A Path to Building Mutual Relationships
Project Duration: 11/2024-06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 194 213,60 EUR
Lead Researcher: PROFESSOR JUDr. Lucia Palšová, PhD.

Component: 9. More effective management and strengthened funding for science, research, and innovation
Investment: 1. Support for international cooperation and participation in Horizon Europe projects and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Call Title: Matching Grants to Resources Acquired within the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Programs
Project Code: 09I01-03-V04-00094
Project Title: Socio-economic and Environmental Aspects of Land Use Methods in Slovakia: Implications for Public Policies (LAND.SK)
Project Duration: 09/2024-06/2026
Approved Funding Amount: 148 943,96 EUR
Lead Researcher: doc. Mgr. Ing. Danka Moravčíková, PhD.