Results of a resilience selection experiment in female rabbits - výberová prednáška
Téma: Results of a resilience selection experiment in female rabbits. An experiment on divergent selection for resilience in rabbits is being carried out at the Miguel Hernández University. The selection criterion is litter size variability. The selection has been successful and also the lines differ in litter size. After 16 generations of selection, we want to unravel whether selection has modified the fatty acid profile of the females at different reproductive status.
Prednášajúci: prof. María José Argente, PhD., Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, PhD. student
Dátum a čas: 5. 10. 2023 o 11.00 h
Miesto: SPU v Nitre, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, pavilón T, Ústav aplikovanej biológie, zasadacia miestnosť.
Prednáška je relevantná k študijnému odboru biológia, biotechnológie.